{## # This file is part of the SgDatatablesBundle package. # # (c) stwe # # For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE # file that was distributed with this source code. #} {% set ajax_vars %} {% if sg_datatables_view.ajax.url is not same as(null) %} "url": "{{ sg_datatables_view.ajax.url|raw }}", {% endif %} "method": "{{ sg_datatables_view.ajax.method }}", {% if sg_datatables_view.ajax.data is not same as(null) %} "data": {{ sg_datatables_view.ajax.data|raw }}, {% endif %} {% endset %} "serverSide": true, {% if sg_datatables_view.ajax.pipeline > 0 %} "ajax": $.fn.dataTable.pipeline({ {{ ajax_vars }} "pages": {{ sg_datatables_view.ajax.pipeline }} }), {% else %} "ajax": { {{ ajax_vars }} }, {% endif %}