{% extends "main/main_base.html.twig" %} {% set billingAddress = order.billingAddress|default %} {% set shippingAddress = order.shippingAddress|default %} {% set paymentMethod = order.paymentMethod|default %} {% set orderItems = order.orderItems|default %} {% set user = order.user %} {% set page_title = "order.detail.order_detail"|trans %} {% block title %}{{ page_title }}{% endblock %} {% block body %} {% set fields = [{'name':page_title}] %} {% include 'main/common/_header.html.twig' %}
{% include "main/Account/MyOrders/_order_action_bar.html.twig" %}
{{ "order.detail.order_date"|trans }}: {{ order.createdAt|date('d/m/Y') }}
{{ "order.detail.order_no"|trans }} : {{ order.orderNumber }}
{{ "order.detail.statu"|trans }} : {{ order.orderStatus.title|default }} {% set cargoStatus = getParameters('order_status_odeme_kargoya_verildi') %} {% set orderStatus = order.orderStatus %} {% set cargoFirm = order.cargoFirm %}
{% if orderStatus.alias == cargoStatus and order.cargoNo and cargoFirm and cargoFirm.alias == 'yurtici' %} {{ "order.detail.cargo_tracking"|trans }} {% endif %}

{{ "order.detail.address_info"|trans }}

{{ "order.detail.shipping_address"|trans }}

{{ orderDetail.shippingName|default }} {{ orderDetail.shippingSurname|default }}
{{ orderDetail.shippingPhone|default }}

{{ orderDetail.shippingAddress|default }}
{% if orderDetail.shippingCity or orderDetail.shippingDistrict %} {{ orderDetail.shippingCity.title|default }} / {{ orderDetail.shippingDistrict.title|default }} {% endif %}
{{ "order.detail.invoice_address"|trans }}

{{ orderDetail.billingName|default }} {{ orderDetail.billingSurname|default }}
{{ orderDetail.billingPhone|default }}

{{ orderDetail.billingAddress }}
{% if orderDetail.billingCity or orderDetail.billingDistrict %} {{ orderDetail.billingCity.title|default }} / {{ orderDetail.billingDistrict.title|default }} {% endif %}

{{ "order.detail.payment_info.title"|trans }}

{% set orderPaymnetSummary = getOrderPaymentSummary(order) %} {# {{ dump(orderPaymnetSummary) }}#}
  • {{ "order.detail.payment_info.payment_type"|trans }} {{ ("payment_methods."~paymentMethod.code)|trans }} {% if order.orderPayment.installment|default > 1 %} ({{ order.orderPayment.installment }} Taksit) {% endif %}
  • {% for summary in orderPaymnetSummary %}
  • {{ summary.title|default }} {{ summary.amount|default }}
  • {% endfor %} {#
  • #} {# Sipariş Tutarı#} {# {{ money_format(order.itemCountTotal)}} TL#} {#
  • #} {#
  • #} {# Kargo Tutarı#} {# {{ money_format(order.shippingTotal)}} TL#} {#
  • #} {#
  • #} {# Toplam#} {# {{ money_format(order.subTotal)}} TL#} {#
  • #} {# {% if order.customerDiscountPrice|default > 0 %}#} {#
  • #} {# Müşteri İndirimi#} {# - {{ money_format(order.customerDiscountPrice)}} TL
    % {{ order.customerDiscountRate }}
    #} {#
  • #} {# {% endif %}#} {# {% if order.balanceTotal|default > 0 %}#} {#
  • #} {# Bakiyeden Kullanım#} {# - {{ money_format(order.balanceTotal)}} TL #} {#
  • #} {# {% endif %}#} {# {% if order.interestCost %}#} {#
  • #} {# Vade Farkı#} {# {{ money_format(order.interestCost) }} TL#} {#
  • #} {# {% endif %}#} {#
  • #} {# Genel Toplam#} {# {{ money_format(order.globalTotal) }} TL#} {#
  • #}

{{ "order.detail.product_info.title"|trans }}

{% import "main/common/Macro/productVariantValues.html.twig" as productVariantValue %} {% set currencyCode = order.currency.shortTitle|default %} {% for orderItem in orderItems %} {% set product = orderItem.product %} {% set productLang = getProductLang({'product':product}) %} {% set productVariant = orderItem.productVariant %} {% set detailLink = path('main_product_show',{'alias':productLang.alias|default,'id':product.id}) %}
{% set productImage = product.productImages|first|default %} {% if productImage %} {% set dir = getProductImageDir(product|default) %} {% set imageFullPath= dir|default~productImage.filename|default %} {% endif %}
{{productLang.name|default}} {{ productVariantValue.info(productVariant,{'beside':'1'}) }} {% include "main/Account/MyOrders/_order_product_refund_satatus.html.twig" %}
{{ orderItem.qty|default }} {{ "common.qty"|trans }}
{{ money_format(orderItem.totalPrice|default) }} {{ currencyCode }}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}